The work of the Brussels-based artist duo LarbitsSisters (BE) is situated at the crossroads of art, technology, political & societal issues and grew out of a shared fascination in new media. Their practice merges research and artistic practice with concepts such as traceability, network analysis, algorithms, automation, and data processing, focussing on the creative drives and patterns in digital media. Central to their praxis is the friction between public and private, online and offline; between an unbridled faith in technological progress and everyday life. Their work has been presented in national and international exhibitions and symposia. In 2011 they founded the Research lab on Digital Visualizations; Larbitslab. This project brings artists and scientists together around societal issues of networked societies. The specificity of Larbitslab lies in a methodological approach, which combines observational practices, media analysis, and research on technical and societal implications. Comprising social media researcher Bénédicte Jacobs and media artist Laure-Anne Jacobs, LarbitsSisters has won the NOVA New Media Interactive Art Prize and the prestigious Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica.

Cissie is Dean of the Faculty of Culture + Community at Emily Carr University of Art + Design and Co-Founder of the Political Arts Initiative, which invites 21st-century imag-e-nations of the political though digital technology and the creative and performing arts. Born in Hong Kong, she has studied, taught, organised, curated, and performed across cultural and educational institutions in Asia, Europe, the UK, and the Americas. Her research interests sit at the nexus of political theory, participatory aesthetics, and artistic activism.

Ami is Associate General Counsel at the British Columbia Securities Commission. Originally from British Columbia, she has lived and worked abroad in Japan, England, France and Italy, and has a keen interest in international contemporary art. She is an accomplished Bharat Natyam dancer. Professionally, her work focuses on law and public policy in the context of technology-based innovation and financial markets. She has deep expertise in policy development for emerging marketplaces for crypto currencies and digital securities. Prior to her career in securities law, Ami advised many immigration and refugee clients through the legal aid clinic at her law school in Toronto, and found that legal work very fulfilling, being a second generation Canadian herself.

Curatorial duo Sarah Joyce and Gordon Duggan are the founding Director-Curators of New Media Gallery, a contemporary public art gallery devoted to exceptional national and international new media art. New Media Gallery is operated by the City of New Westminster and opened in 2014. The gallery presents the work of significant established artists together with emerging artists. Joyce + Duggan have backgrounds in the Visual Arts, Art History, Design, Conservation and Technology from University of Calgary, University of Victoria, University of London, Domus Academy, Getty Institute, + Bath Spa University. They have worked in Canada, Italy and the UK including Lisson Gallery and the Tate.

An artist and musician with a background in technology, computers and engineering. Chris received his Masters of Applied Arts from Emily Carr University of Art + Design. Chris is managing the technical aspects and set-up of the panel. Chris runs the Learning Lab for New Media Gallery, developing workshops, residencies and other programming for the Public, Artists, Schools and Universities.