May 25, 2024
Every year we make a noise together that stretches around the world.

Drone Day is an annual celebration of drone, community, and experimental sounds. We are pleased to present five Art + Technology education workshops in theLAB on May 24, 25, & 26, 2024. Workshops explore sound art and creative making with sound. Learn from our Creative Tech Instructors alongside other enthusiastic sound explorers like yourself. Local community events take place during the evenings of May 24 & 25, 2024. Learn more below:

About Drone Day: LINK
Drone Day was dreamed by MCLF of Weird Canada and vibrated into existence by communities and droners around the world.

1. Intro to DIY Synths | 18+ years
Use basic electronic components to make your own square wave synthesizer. Create an instrument using a beginner-friendly circuit that is easy to expand on and build into more complex sound circuits. No prior experience with electronics necessary. The workshop will culminate in a creative jam session. Instructor: Jae Lew.
Friday, May 24 | 6pm – 9pm
Art + Technology LAB, Anvil Centre
Registration Fee: $45
Registration: LINK

2. Voice Clone Overdub | 13 - 18 years
Create original voice sound clips with Descript: Overdub. Use samples of your own voice to generate an ultra-realistic voice-over tool to read a written text, or to narrate an existing video. Have fun cloning your voice, by synthesizing several audio clips produced during the class into an audio AI capable of mimicking your unique way of talking. Instructor: Stéphane Bernard.
Contact education@newmediagallery.ca for more information

3.Touch Designer Synths | 18+ years
Learn to program a synthesizer using the node-based programming app, Touchdesigner. Start with an introduction to creating a basic synthesizer and then learn to make it interactive. Concepts of the theremin and how to code a virtual theremin will be explored. Instructor: Chris Jung
Contact education@newmediagallery.ca for more information

4. Shaping Electronic Sound | 18+ years
Learn how to make your own sounds using open-source synthesizers. Go beyond the presets on your modular, software, or keyboard synth. No keyboard skills required. Instructor: Victoria Gibson.
Contact education@newmediagallery.ca for more information

5. Editing Sound Workshop | 18+ years
Learn to use software to edit your field recordings and found sounds. Basic software will be showcased to help you manipulate recordings and create impactful listening experiences for your audiences. Connected with the “Field Recording: Bowen Island” workshop. Instructor: Mark Nazemi.
Sunday, May 26 | 1pm – 4pm
Art + Technology LAB, Anvil Centre
Registration Fee: $45
Registration: LINK

Associated Community Events:
Clicks and Cuts | Friday, May 24 | Mood Swing
Drone Day New West | Saturday, May 25 | Mood Swing
Drone Day International | Saturday, May 25 | Worldwide